
Just writing..

I wrote a piece you could call some sort of a poem.. I wrote it in Finnish.

Kahvia ja likaisia astioita.
Tuulen pieksemiä lakanoita.
Pesemättömiä ikkunoita.
Keskeneräisiä asioita.
Ikävöin sinua.

The translation goes somewhat like this..

Coffee and dirty dishes.
Wind-beaten sheets.
Unwashed windows.
Incomplete things.
Missing you.


Ice cream party and The Dagger Thanks

Not connected to each others at all those two things in the title. But I'm writing about them both anyway in this one post.

Tomorrow I hope to get some free ice cream from Ben & Jerry's. They are arranging a happening tomorrow, in four cities here in Finland, where they hand out free cones of ice cream, their new taste.. Hopefully it's all sunny and warm tomorrow.. :D

And about TDT. They've announced their debut gig. They're performing for the very first time in 25th of July in Lieto, Finland. And on the same day, on that same stage performs also such stars as Robert Lighthouse (USA), Dr. Dave (USA) and Jarkko Martikainen (FIN) just to mention a few.


What now?

So, the practise is over. Didn't get a job from it. Back to normal unemployment. What should I do next?


Dynamite / Back in business

Slowly getting back to do things I love the most.. back in music business. Drawing again. And having a huge smile on my face. Ain't it funny how some people still can surprise you after so many years..?!

Keep your eyes open for a new band named The Dagger Thanks, TDT. I'll inform you more later, I guess as soon as boys have some material in myspace.


Fun Friday

I had a little visitor yesterday. His parents went to movies and I got to play with him for a couple of hours. I found out that I have two huts in my appartment as well as a bouncy-castle (don't know the correct term but you know those "castles" filled with air where kids go jumping)..


Wrecking my journal..

Sons of anarchy,
daughters of destruction;
this is my anarchist creation..


To create is to destroy

Got one of the funniest birthday presents from my friend yesterday.. a book named "Wreck this journal", written by Keri Smith.. It's going to be a tough one, even for anarchist like me.. ;) Well, we'll see next year, how I've done with it.. Today, when the actual day is, there isn't going to be anything special, I mean party-like action.. a friend of mine was talking about taking me out for a lunch but that's it.. I had coffee and cake and some great friends over on Sunday. And I was out on Friday. So that'll be party enough for me, at least for now..