
You can' t live with them..

..and you surely can't live without them. Men. No matter who they are, father, brother, nephew, friend or lover. Just when you least expect it they'll make you smile and laugh and giggle like never before.

Don't you just hate it..?

When people don't get the hints.. when they just stick with you all the time, all the places, listen all the discussions and take over your friends just when all you'd like to do is to have a one-on-one moment with those people that matter the world to you. They're like bandages glued to your skin. You know that it's time to let the wound breath a little but ripping off the bandage hurts like hell. It doesn't really matter whether you do it fast or slow, it hurts anyway. It is like that with those people-bandages as well: either you'll try to be nice and give little hints or you'll tell it directly to them. If they would only get those little hints, but nooooooo.. One way or the other you'll end up hurting their feelings even if you don't want to. Which is bad because those bandages might be great friends as well. And you don't want your friends to feel hurt, right?!


No matter what it takes..

I was listening Mondo Bizarro's song My Funeral Day and made a decision. I will make one of my dreams come true before I turn 35.. no matter what it takes.

Three years on me to execute project HoH.. ;)