
Play it again Sam...

Now The Dagger Thanks is even in Myspace.. The page is still under construction but as all the good things even this takes some time. I'm already waiting for the next thing these guys publish.. maybe a facebook profile for Holmes..?! HAHAHAHA!!


So NOT my day

Money is late.
Sewing machine doesn't co-operate.
Just put a bullet to my head, it would make my day perfect.

The hooded man


The one and only, true Robin Hood. Loved this serie as a kid and still love it today.


Quote #2

"One loyal friend
is worth ten thousand relatives."

Not that I wouldn't love my family. :)

Swimming in your ocean

So he sails away again. And I give him to the sea, not knowing when he'll be back. Hoping the waves soothe his pain and rock him into peaceful sleep at night. I wish that the laughs that we had will stay fresh in his memory and he thinks of me with a smile on his face. I'll tell the sun to give up some warmness to his heart and soul because his heart is too good and too kind to be frozen, and his soul seems so fragile right now. I'll send birds to his vessel so he would know that he's never alone. I'll command the winds to blow those sad thoughts away from his head. And if it's necessary, I'll call in a storm so that he won't have time to think at all. The thunder will be there to give his heart the rhytm to beat with, and lightning will make him blind for his own tears, even those he haven't let out. Finally, I'll plea a soft, overwhelming mist to surround him, giving him the peace of mind he so desperately needs. And I'll ask the stars to watch over him and guide him safely to the dock. Because I'm waiting here.

Loving, being close and caring doesn't cost a thing.
And I care.
A lot.


Like a boiled crab

So, that was the day. Started out early, ate breakfast at 8am and headed shopping to UFF with my friend. After that I came home, took a little nap and headed out again to Fox for a gig. Before I got out the door the phone rang, got some driving to do after the gig. I didn't mind, it was all good and fun. Sun was shining and I look like I've been sitting in the sun for several hours... Finally came home at 9pm and got some food in me, grilled chicken with couscous and tzatziki sauce. Now I'm going to throw away my clothes and head to bed.

I like it when it's hot. And that includes people and weather.. ;)


Thunder and lightning

It is hot!! And I love it. Weather is pressuring and I'm waiting for the thunder. Sweeeeeeeet!!! Went with bike today, had no big plans. Stopped by to buy some colour for my hair and stopped at the flea market. Then headed to fabric store nearby and bought two summer-y fabrics so that I can make some summer tops/tunics to myself.

Tomorrow I'll be busy. Early morning. Heading to UFF with my friend Adelheid, hopefully I find some nice things there because they'll have everything with one euro.. some old curtains to a summer dress or something.. And then heading to Fox in the afternoon to listen some real good music once again.

Now I'm going to take a book and head to my bed for hour or two, it's too warm to do anything in my "sauna" (read: appartment). Fan on and some cold water next to the bed. That'll be perfect. Probably start with the tops/tunics this evening. Going to destroy even one of my dresses for that purpose.



Today it's Thursday and I'm back in the city. I actually came home yesterday after spending five fabulous days in Perniö, visiting my brother's family. My nephew is a big boy already. He's walking already long walks, he is getting rid of the bottle with the help of his parents and did his first poop to the potty. We had lots to do while I was visiting there, he had to ride the rocking horse, we went twice for a walk with mum and their dog, Väpä, visited a couple of flee markets and ofcourse Reija and I were doing some handicraft. Five days passed by pretty quickly but it was all fun and relaxing. I'm already excited to see what my nephew has learned when I visit them/see him the next time. He is such a fun boy, his parents have been teaching him some really "useful" things.. :D Like when somebody says "Oh my God" the boy puts one hand to his forehead just like if he would remember something. And when you say "Oh no" he raises both of his hands to the sides of his head.. And when he is putting his index finger to his mouth and then quickly taking it out to point upwards.. it means "Belissimo!!" And all the laughing and giggling.. he is such a happy boy. And I think he's gotten something from his aunt to his genes because he loves books and reading.. he can read the same book over and over again, pointing pictures, listening when you tell him what it is and trying to repeat it.. smart boy!!

It looks like the summer is finally on its way to Finland. My studio feels like being in sauna. The sun shines in almost the whole day, I don't have a balcony and both of my windows are to the same direction so no hope from cooling down. Thank goodness I bought the fan last summer, at least I have something to help in the heat. It looks like a beautiful day outside but I'm not interested of going out right now, feels like I have migraine on the way.. it might also be that there is some thunder in the air, it feels a bit pressuring.. But I sure am going to enjoy of the warm weather during the weekend, starting tomorrow. Going to buy a new hair-colour.. I would love to visit my hair stylist Olli in Rock'n'Style but you all probably know how it is when being unemployed... and I need to do something to my hair or else I'll rip it all off soon...

What else.... well yeah, keeping myself busy.. lots of gigs and happenings, like the KIP-happening next month (KIP is shortened from the words Knit In Public). It sounds like fun and meeting the new people is  always exciting. Oh right.. now I remembered.. Some of you already might have noticed the new link in my blog there on the right hand side: lindiz.pictures.fi. All photographs I've taken will end up there in the future. Some files are public and some files require a password. If you are interested of some file there but don't have the password, just ask. I may or may not give it to you, depends what pictures you'd like to see and if I'm feeling nice or something totally opposite. :)

That's it today.. got to get away from the computer for a while, sitting next to the window in the sunlight... well you can probably guess that I'm not feeling cool at all.. and it's useless to even think taking a shower before the evening..


Dial 0700

The discussion yesterday took a weight off of my shoulders. What a relief that you had heard those things from other sources and I don't have to be the bearer of the bad news. And I still get to keep my secrets and a couple of aces up in my sleeve for the bad day. I prefer it that way, rather being a crazy bitch instead of being totally bitch. ;)

I have known from the beginning that there's a good heart underneath that gorgeous body and it feels good.. no, it feels great, it feels awesome, to know that there's such a smart head on those shoulders as well.

Luv ya.