
Dream date

I realized a while ago that I've been only twice on a date.
They were both blind dates, one arranged by my sister and the other by my friend.
Those weren't bad experiences, I'm still friends with one of the dates.
But that led me to think what would my dream date be like.
But I found out that it´s pretty hard to decide what I would like to do on a dream date.
If I would be single a movie would be nice. Or a dinner date.
Or simply having a coffee some place nice.
Maybe even some public event, maybe a small gig in some pub.
Or at some interesting exhibition, photography for example. Or at an art museum.

But since I am no more single (and since I know my spouse pretty well) my dream dates are becoming way more simple (read: boring).
A home made meal waiting me when I come home from work (not likely since he haven't been cooking since I moved in.. :-6 ).
Going for a walk hand in hand (that way he would have to slow down his pace to match mine).
Him taking me out somewhere else than a gig (of his own) and/or a bar/club.

Those might be simple enough hopes if he can take a hint.
Those would be a good start..



Had an accident during the weekend. I was watching a gig on Saturday evening minding my own business. There was also a mosh pit circling in front of the stage. A couple of idiots were starting a fight in the mosh pit and those idiots fell down on the floor. My knee happened to end up on their way before they hit the floor. The knee felt fine most of the evening but the walk home was pretty painful. Thanks for the concerned fellow citizen who stopped by and asked if I was alright. Luckily I had only one block left to walk and my spouse was coming right after me. But now I walk like elderly people, I can't even cross a four-lane driveway during one light change.

My original idea was to write about which superpower I would like to have.. I thought that would be quite a challenging question to ask.. but at the moment, because of my knee, there's really just two options. I would either like to have healing abilities or I would like to fly. The first thing I would fix with the healing power would be of course my own knee. And if I could fly I would fly from place to place.

Would you like to have some superpower? What would it be?


Like a child

I was surfing through internet trying to come up with topics to write about. And I found several potential topics which I added as drafts to my list of posts. I've only recently started to use the draft option. And scheduling my texts. The drafts help me when having a writers block. I can then just pick one of the drafts and start with a ready idea. And scheduling helps me of course publishing texts even when I'm living the REAL life. ;) So, there you have a few of my blogging secrets. But now I'd like to get back to the topic the title hints you of..

What brought me immense joy when I was a child? What brings me such joy today? Those are good questions. I've been thinking those questions every now and then ever since I read Erlend Loe's novel "Naïve. Super." In that book the main character gets a list from a friend of things that made her happy as a child and of things that make her happy now. The main character is a bit afraid to do the latter list since he is afraid it ends up short. I guess I've had a bit of the same fear with my own list. Or that it might be superficial. But since I seem to "bump" to this subject on a regular basis I thought I might as well give it a try. New year and everything.. Thins on my list aren't in any specific order and at this point I'm not thinking to give any explanations to the things, why they are on my list (maybe later if there is any interest towards that kind of post). So, here we go.

Things that made me happy when I was a child:
Legos. Drawing. Running. Riding my bicycle. Music. Summer. Sun. Letters. Writing. Ice-skating. Reading. Forest. Family holidays. Candy. Beach. Sea. Snow. Postcards. Strawberries. Ice-cream. Ball games, especially volleyball, tennis and basketball. Friends. Stickers. Dreaming. Presents.

Things that make me happy today:
Taking a great photo. Hearing the words "I love you". My nephew. My niece. Messages from my sister and from my brothers. Music. Summer. Sun. Postcards. Letters. Legos. Reading. Writing. Drawing. Friends. Family. Strawberries. Knitting. Sewing. Giving/charity. Good food. Flowers. Sauna. Rain. Lightning. Hot chocolate. Making dreams and ideas come true. Hugs. Kisses.

Here's for starters. How about you, what made you happy as a  child? And what makes you happy now?


Life won't wait

New year. 2015. It's here.

Just a quick look for the passed year, 2014. Plenty has happened, some good, some not so good.
Here some highlights:

45 music events;
  • 1 summer festival (Sweden Rock, Sölvesborg)
  • 4 concerts by Turku Philharmonic Orchestra
  • 2 concert in Helsinki (Slash & Aerosmith w/ Rival Sons)
  • 38 club/pub gigs.
1 cat moving in with us.

1 flower bouquet, tulips (which the cat then ate).

2 theater visits (Jekyll & Hyde, Vadelmavenepakolainen).

Several postcards via Postcrossing, sent and received.

1 bucketlist.

1 visit to Moomin world.

Started yoga.

2 free courses online (Open2Study: The Art of Photography & Online Advertising).

1 activity tracker.

1 old pen pal contacting me in Facebook.

1 house warming party.

Lots of knitting and sewing.

2 anniversaries (1 year of moving in with THE Mr. and 2 years of being together with him).

2 movies in movie theater (Hobbit 2 & 3).

Many lovely visits from our friends, some staying over night and some just quickly stopping by.

1 visit from my nephew.

Huge amount of photographs.

I suppose these sums the year pretty well. Of course there's been laughter (many of them because of the cat), tears (happy and sad), hugs and kisses, family meetings, road trips, beer, sex and candy and all sort of other things. All in all, though, a good year.