

Some mornings I don't wanna get up,
motivation is hard to find.
Some mornings I miss you
before I leave your side.
No matter how dark and low,
you bring in the light.
There's enough reason
to love you the rest of my life.


Talking with elves..

To start with I got to say that this year has had an amazing beginning. And although actions have been speaking louder than any words ever could and it was nothing new, it was a wonderful feeling to hear The One say the words "I love you" on new years eve for the first time. Pretty awesome was also when my nephew, age three, told me on Boxing Day that I am important to him. And that I'm a Lego-master. :D

But that about my holiday and the start of this year. What I really was going to tell you was that two weeks ago Steven Tyler moved in with me. Well, not really but I bought his book "Does the noise in my head bother you?". And I've been reading some 80+ pages now and the noise in his head really does NOT bother me. It seems more the opposite, I find the noise in my head to be quite similar with his, although I'm not nearly as talented and gifted as Mr. Tyler is. And I kinda like the fact that this book gets my creative mood on. (And every now and then I even see a glimpse of Mr. Tyler in The One as well, in his talent and perfectionism. The latter one I recognize in myself as well.) It's also very interesting to read about his childhood, him being such a country boy, wandering around in the woods climbing trees and rocks and talking with elves.. Wait, WHAT?! Yes. You read correctly, talking with elves. And the fantasy lover in me absolutely adores Mr. Tyler for writing that in his book for everyone to see!! And why wouldn't I?! Don't we all secretly hope to be all of our lives as free and imaginative as children are? Wouldn't we all like to feel the speed of wild horses when running on fields, the power of a bear when walking around in forests and the spirit of an eagle when feeling warm summer breeze on your skin?!

I think we do. At least I do. And I think in a way I re-connect with those childhood feelings when reading the book. Fantasy books do the same thing. They wake up my imagination and make me realize there's no limit as it comes to imagination, if only for a moment. The only limit to imagination is you yourself. I know I've written about imagination already before here in my blog and I might repeat myself. But I think it's important not to suppress imagination. As Einstein said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge." And it makes life more interesting. So let those kids believe in Santa, invisible friends etc. they'll have enough time to grow up later. Besides, I believe in Santa as well, even if it's only in Christmas time... ;)