
The corner

I re-organized our living room during the weekend. Now I have my own corner there!! Wohoo! Here I can write, study, sew, draw, download my photos, etc.

I bought some blackboard sticker a while ago and covered one locker door with it. Blackboard paint would have been better but this way I can take it away whenever I get bored to it.
And now the bookshelf works from both sides.
Even our cat appreciates. :)
I also had to add some motivational postcards to my corner. Just wonder where have I lost my other (read: better) Einstein card with the text "Imagination is more important than knowledge".



Noticed just today that I've been writing this blog for five years now.
First post was written August 23rd 2009.
A lot has happened since then, good and bad.
Way over 10 000 page views.
Mostly from Russia and USA.
Some from Finland.
Other places occasionally.
I want to thank you all for visiting.
I would appreciate few comments even more.
And I'd like to know how you ended up to my page.
Who are you people?

Anyway.. Thank you.


No bad hair days

My hairdresser got me hooked with these products. I especially like the one on left, the very sensitive moisture mist. These have no colorants, no parabenes and no perfume. They might cost a bit more than the hair products in your nearest grocery store, but mu honest opinion is that these are worth it.



Two vacation weeks.. bygones. Way too quickly.
But that's the way it goes when enjoying my time.
Luckily I still have one week of vacation left that I'll have later.
Might take it if and when my brother comes to visit Finland.
Or I'll take it later and delete one thing off of my bucketlist..
But whenever I take the vacation, until then I'll be sweating in the office.
The basement finally got warm and it won't be cooling any day soon.
Before my vacation I used to go out on my breaks to warm myself a bit in the sun.
Now I'll go out to cool down (it's not easy though since the weather is getting even warmer this week).
But I'm not complaining, the winter might be right behind the corner and it'll be cold, dark and long.
Did you guess already what's my favorite time of the year..? ;)



I got a bit inspired again..
In this one I have blackberries, banana, honey, quark and ice cream (or milk).
Made also some with watermelon and strawberries.
Healthy, delicious and cold - perfect for hot summer days.


A is for..

August. And art. Yes, you guessed right, I chose my August challenge to be art. Drawing and painting daily for the month. Planning to do some smaller drawings like this City Cat pt. 1.
I made this already in February. I drew it very quickly and as a joke but Mr. Right liked it so much that he published it on Facebook. I have plenty of ideas for more City Cat adventures, so there will be more of them this month. But not only small and quickly done pieces, I also plan to at least start some bigger ideas I've had for some time now.

Last month's challenge was handicraft and it went more than fine. I haven't finished the test knitting project yet but I did do knitting and sewing throughout the month missing only a day or two.