
Busy bee

It's been a while from the last update here in my blog.. But there is a pretty good reason, or actually several reasons for it. In June I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and I've been busy ever since. Julia Melinda is her name and she's one of the reasons I've been so busy. But not the only reason. We moved to a new appartment during the summer as well and that's a second reason for me being so busy.

Julia is keeping me busy most of the times and those times I get for myself I've been keeping myself busy by sewing. Sewing clothes for Julia mostly. But for my niece and nephew too. All of the projects haven't been finished yet but they aren't far from ready.

Moving with the baby is not the thing you want to do. Trust me, I know it now. Getting a second cat to that mess ain't a good idea. And arranging a namegiving party for the relatives in the middle of it all.. not a good idea either. But we survived it and I think we survived it pretty well. Now slowly, I'm finding time again to do the things I used to do before baby and all. Catching up with things all in all.

So hopefully more updates again in the near future.