
Double-trouble challenge for March

So.. February is done. Photo-a-Day challenge was really it: challenging. But mostly because of the targets I decided before-hand. I haven't loaded all the pictures yet, but I think I will continue the challenge but without pre-decided subjects.

But since it's March it is time for a new challenge. And I've decided to take on two challenges at once. Both challenges include minimum 15 minutes per day of doing the thing. So, 15 minutes per day of stretching my body and 15 minutes doing some sort of handicraft, knitting, sewing and so on. The stretching comes in handy because I've kinda lazy with everything that hints of sports and moving. And since doing working indoors, sitting by a computer the whole workday my body is a bit stiff. And besides, stretching is so easy to do in the evenings in front of TV. And the same goes mostly with handicraft as well, I'm used to knit in front of TV anyway, so this shouldn't be any problem. If I want, I could do handicraft while stretching as well. :)

I also believe these are habits I will continue with after the month.