
Open my eyes

My online photography course enlightened me in many ways. But one of the biggest realizations must have been during the last module. One topic in that module was asking what kind of photographer I am and the module also represented a quote that opened my eyes: "If you find yourself going to the zoo too often, it's because you belong in the zoo in the first place. You're at home there". I understood that I like to photograph people. And even more, people in music. I'm at home in clubs, out in the city, observing people. I also came up with a principle/sentence I want to work with.. Here it comes, are you ready?! 'As a photographer you need to blend in so that your work wouldn't.' I think that being true especially if you're photographing people.

That last module also inspired me to look out for photographers that have inspired or might inspire me. And here I give you a list of them (as well as links to their work).

Nikki Sixx
This is a no brainer.
I love Mötley Crüe and I've read both of Nikki's books (several times, actually).
I absolutely love black and white pictures.
And you just have to respect a person who sees beauty where most people don't.

Ross Halfin
If you don't know who Ross Halfin is, you don't know anything about rockstar photographers.
Just click 'Gallery' and choose 'Bands'..
He had recently an exhibition in Finland (which I unfortunately didn't see).

Matthias Hombauer
He was a Ph.D. student in molecular biology.
He left that promising career.
And then he became a successful rockstar photographer.
Not so long ago.
And he is happily teaching others (those willing to pay) how to do the same.

Robert DeNiro on his landing page? Seriously?
Seriously. And it doesn't stop there. Just check the 'Quick portfolio' and you'll be amazed.
Also, if you're in to photography yourself, you might want to take a look at 'Gear' as well.
I haven't yet had the time to take a look to his tutorials but I'm planning to (that will probably give me something to write about as well).

Chase Jarvis
Shoots various subjects. Can especially well freeze movement in his photos.

Joe McNally
I like especially his 'Environment' and 'Faces' photos.

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